3 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru dalam Pengembangan Video Berbasis Audio Visual dengan Smartphone untuk Guru TK ABA

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    Pandemi Covid-19 telah terjadi sejak tahun 2020 dan telah mempengaruhi semua aspek kehidupan, termasuk pendidikan. Pemerintah menginstruksikan untuk menghentikan semua kegiatan belajar tatap muka. Seluruh kegiatan belajar mengajar semua kelompok usia dialihkan menjadi pembelajaran online. Hal ini membuat guru harus lebih kreatif dalam membuat media pembelajaran. Salah satu media pembelajaran yang paling efektif adalah video. Namun, tidak semua guru dibekali dengan kemampuan membuat video pembelajaran. Untuk itu kegiatan pengabdian ini ditujukan agar guru memiliki kemampuan membuat video pembelajaran untuk siswa TK ABA, sehingga siswa dapat lebih memahami materi yang disampaikan. Kegiatan diawali dengan FGD (Focus Group Discussion), kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pelatihan yang meliputi tiga materi yaitu pemberian teks narasi video, pra produksi, dan editing. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa guru mampu membuat video pembelajaran dengan baik dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan sisw


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    Rasulullah SAW-style treatment is a trend today is a ruqyah who not only treat physical diseases but also non-physical. Ruqyah is the solution the Prophet offered in overcoming all sorts of diseases, and ruqyah is allowed as long as it does not contain shirk elements. This study aims to explain the definition of ruqyah in the hadith of the Prophet, and the verses and prayers used at the time of ruqyah. Even explaining the existence of capitalist elements and the influence of ruqyah on mental health. This research uses the risearch library method using descriptive approach and socio-historical critique analysis to understand the hadith of the Prophet. The findings are: First, ruqyah is a treatment ala Rasulullah by taking refuge in Allah from all diseases both physical and non physical. Second, the way of ruqyah is by putting the right hand to the painful part of the limb while reading the reading of prayers, letters of al-Fatihah, al-Ikhlas, al-Falaq and al-Nas. Thirdly, the ruqyah should be based on a complete belief in God, pleading for protection to Him because He is the Essence that Heals all sicknesses. Fourth, ruqyah can give positive influence that is heal mental health or soul. Fifth, ruqyah is one of the solemn acts against the sickness of society which is far from Allah without capitalization by commercializing to serve as a livelihood in fulfilling the necessities of life except on the willingness of the patient or ruqyah sufferer by giving wages as a form of gratitude and meruqyah people may take wages by not looking at the size and size of the wage on the basis of sincere intentions

    Design and Analysis of Solar-powered E-bike Charging Stations to Support the Development of Green Campus

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    Currently, conventional motorcycles that utilize hazardous fossil fuels are expanding rapidly in Indonesia's major cities. Especially in campus environments, the increase in motorcycle usage has the potential to raise emissions of greenhouse gases and toxic microparticles. The green campus concept entails that campus living must implement low-emission energy efficiency, conserve resources, and enhance environmental quality by teaching its residents how to live a healthy lifestyle. However, limiting the number of motorcycles on campus is the main challenge, especially in Indonesia. To overcome this challenge, this study provides a design for the e-bike system that will be implemented at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY). In addition, a solar power plant is integrated into the design to support the adoption of the zero-emission green energy concept on the campus. The design accommodates specifications for a 6 km radius surrounding the school, a two-day lifespan, and 100 electric bicycles. The experiment's findings indicate that the solar-powered e-bike design requires 99 solar panels with a capacity of 150 Wp, 9 SSCs with a capacity of 100 A, and three inverters with a capacity of 2,500 W. It is projected that this device will reduce exhaust emissions by 7.62 tons of CO2 per year once it is entirely operated